I have a heavy heart today, as sadly I received a call in the early hours of the morning from home. My grandfather, born December 20, 1937 passed today February 28, 2017 after living a long and full life. He married my grandmother Patricia (who passed in 2006) and had 4 children. He was blessed with many grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. To be honest, regrettably, I didn't get to know my grandfather that well. That aside, here are some things I do know. Marvin Lee Johnson loved Nascar and joked that we were related to Jimmy Johnson #48. He always wore a Harley- Davidson leather vest and for as long as I can remember had a long white fluffy beard. He had two birds, Bubba who was a canary I believe, and a parrot named Norman. He bit. Bubba, on the other hand was sweet and would sit on my grandpa's shoulder while he ate hoping to get a snack or two. My grandpa made a mean thanksgiving meal too. He liked to cook, or at least it seemed like it. He made an amazing ch...