Finally Coming Along

Summer is coming to a close, and as fall finally draws near I am getting anxious to finally move into my new dorm. At the beginning of this year I started to consider transferring to a new school. My previous school I was attending last year in the Napa Valley was depressing and not the right fit for me. I knew if I was going to be successful in school I had to get out of there and go somewhere I would be happy. I started looking into Grand Canyon University, and low and behold I felt the calling to get my nursing degree there.
It's scary to think that I will be 12 hours away from my family and my friends here in California, but I also know that I will make new friends and I am looking forward to this new adventure. I can't wait to get to travel and see what seems like a whole new world over in AZ. I'm even looking forward to the heat and a whole new culture.
It feels as though my life is finally coming along. I am a single woman in her early 20's and what more could I want than the chance to travel and see the world in a whole new perspective. I'm falling in love with AZ and I haven't even seen it yet. I just pray that the Lord helps me focus on what's the most important.. school.
I've been living it up this summer, and I don't intend to stop. This is my time to shine. I am young and ambitious and I have the drive to get where I need to go having fun along the way. Bring on the fun!... and the studying.


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